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捷优英语幽默:一封神秘的信A secret letter


捷优英语幽默小段:一封神秘的信 A secret letter
"I don't like to inquire too curiously into your affairs,"said the lady to her husband."But something's been bothering me for days."
"So?" said the husband."Tell me all about it."
"You got a letter last Friday," the lady said."It was perfumed.It was in a girl's handwriting.I saw you oped it:you broke into a sweat.You turned white.Your hands trembled…For goodness'sake,who was it from and what did it say?"
"Oh,that,"said the husband."I decided it was best for both of us not to talk about it at the time."
"For heaven's sake,"screamed the woman."Tell me who it was from and what it said."
"Okay," said the husband."It was from your dress shop.It said you owe them$740.00."
“你上周五收到一封信,”女士说。“那封信洒了香水,是女孩的笔迹。我看你看了信后,突然出了一身冷汗,脸色发白,双手颤抖... ...看在上帝的份上,那是谁寄来的?上面又写了些什么?”
捷优英语幽默 - 捷优昆山翻译公司

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